Friday, August 18, 2006

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Daddy was really slacking

Yes I am really slacking, but there's a lot to do around here.
Apparently Riley has decided to do most of her maturing in her 11th month. Here's a list of what she has accomplished.
-(early in the month) started crawling regularly on her hands and knees
-walks while holding onto furniture

-points at everything that interest her
-can wave good bye when you leave

-plays "Pop Goes the Weasel" by raising her hands over her head at the end of the song
-claps when we clap, then clapped on her own, then claps when you ask her to.
-definitely says Ma Ma and Da Da, and in general is much more vocal.
-can identify different people in pictures by pointing at them when you say there name.
-when asked what the following animals say she replies: cow= mummmm, horse= nay (high pitched wining), rooster= can't really describe the sound but tries extremely hard to mimic me.

-gives kisses when she's in the mood (makes the kissing sound until she gets to your face, then she pretty much just licks you)
-I'm sure I'm leaving stuff out but the mother of all her accomplishments this month has been WALKING ON HER OWN.

The walking started with the furniture holding which came almost at the same time as knee/ hand crawling. Occasionally she would let go of stuff and stand on her own. Then when she wasn't thinking she would let go of one piece of furniture and take some unassisted steps to another piece. When we saw her do that Erica and I would sit on the ground and have her walk back and forth between us. At some point she decided I'm a walker and goes everywhere now. She even stands up on her own from a sitting position in the middle of a room with nothing to hold onto. The 11th month was really an eventful one and this month she turns 1 year old.

You have to watch this video with the sound on.

Our friend Will comes for a visit

Thanks for coming over Susan, Will and Bill. Hope to see you guys again very soon.

Random 11 month pictures


Family Vacation.....

The gang before Mommy and Daddy arrived 3 days later

Daddy, Riley and the rainbow

Really excited about her first bus ride

Riley loved to watch the skaters at the local roller skating joint and dance to the music.

Luray Caverns

Heading out for her first swim

July 4th at the Farm Museum