Sunday, December 24, 2006

Riley and Friends

Today after visiting Nana, Erica, Riley and I went to see Page, Mike and Bella. They are staying at Page's mom's (Ms. B's) house through Christmas. Bella is great around Riley (full of kisses and snugs), but Riley is still pretty stand-offish. It was a busy day so the visit was cut really short. Hopefully when the girls can spend some more time together Riley will loosen up.

Here's a small video clip.......nothing too spectacular...just hanging out on opposite sides of the coffee table.

Also check out the last 5 posts, if you haven't seen the blog in a while. They are all very new.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Cookie Pics

Mimi and Riley take a break from all the cooking

Riley uses Pop Pop as a chair while she watches her favorite, Elmo's World, DVD

Recent UM grad; Aunt Lissy

Daddy and Riley do some jumping on Aunt Cori's exercise-tramp.

New Photos

Trimming the Christmas Tree

Christmas carols at Twinbrook Library

Taking a very rare rest

It took awhile but she loves her bouncy horse now

Look at what she's standing on

Mommy and Riley relaxing on the couch


Today Riley, Erica and I are off to Aunt Cori's for cookie baking. This is the 2nd year for the tradition. Mimi and Pop Pop are up from Florida and will be there too.

Tomorrow it's off to Nana and Papaw's in the afternoon. Then in the evening we'll go to church for Christmas eve mass.

We've got a fairly busy schedule through the holidays but Riley doesn't seem to care. Here's a few pictures of her playing around this morning.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Ho Ho Ho

As usual it's been awhile since the last post. It seems like I'm only persuaded to post by holidays, milestones and sometimes amazing Riley feats.

Well it is the holiday season, Riley's 2nd Christmas is kind of a milestone and the other day she did something that I thought was funny and amazing.

The incident that inspired this post happened Sunday night, I think, could of been Monday. Erica, Lola and I were relaxing in the living room while Riley was playing. Out of the blue she climbed on top of the coffee table. It took her a couple tries and we were so impressed we let her do it. After she reached the top she sat down and acted like it was no big deal. None of us could believe it and I thought it was the funniest thing. I guess now that's she's mastered walking and running climbing is her new personal goal. She's been climbing in and out of low chairs for a few weeks now but not on anything as high as the coffee table.

She also put on a sign language display the other night. I want to get it on video and post it soon. I think she knows about 10 different words.